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Studying with a child: School education in Saxony – TUBAF International

Studying with a child: School education in Saxony

Date(s) - 28/04/2023
16:30 - 18:00

Prüferstr. 2, Conference room


The International Office supports students, doctoral candidates and young academics with children.

We offer information events on topics that interest these young parents.

On Friday, 28 April, the topic is „Schooling and Saxony: How is the education system structured, how does registration work and how can I prepare and support my child?“

Start: 16:30
Location: conference room S.I.Z., Prüferstraße 2.
Languages: English and German

During the event you can ask questions to the participating integration coordinator Margaret Triebler, Stadtverwaltung Freiberg.


For planning our meeting accordingly, please register yourself, your children and accompanying family members no later than April 27, 2023 12:00 p.m. by e-mail: .

Did you already know, that…?

Grafische Darstellung des Bildungssystems in Sachsen: unten die Grundschule (Schuljahre 1 bis 4), darüber die Oberschule und das Gymnasium (Schuljahre 5 bis 12); über der Oberschule verzweigt sich das Schema zu Berufsfachschule, Berufsschule, Fachoberschule sowie Berufliches Gymnasium (Schuljahre 10 bis 14)In grade 4 (primary school), educators and parents must decide whether a child should attend a Gymnasium at the beginning of grade 5 or continue his or her education at the Oberschule (secondary school).

  • A Gymnasium pupil can take the Abitur at the end of the 12th school year and then study.
  • A secondary school pupil can also take the Abitur, but must attend school for a total of 13 years at the „Berufliches Gymnasium“.