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Praktika – Seite 7 – TUBAF International

TUBAF International

Neuigkeiten des Internationalen UniversitÀtszentrums

21. MĂ€rz 2018 – Michaela Luft

Praktikumsprogramm „Russland in der Praxis“

Der Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD) fördert im Rahmen von „Go East“ seit 2012 aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) die Praktikantenvermittlung im Programm „Russland in der Praxis“. Deutsche Unternehmen in Russland stellen PraktikumsplĂ€tze zur VerfĂŒgung und haben so die Chance, junge NachwuchskrĂ€fte mit frischen, innovativen Ideen fĂŒr ihre zukĂŒnftigen Arbeitsfelder zu gewinnen. „Praktikumsprogramm „Russland in der Praxis““ weiterlesen

14. Februar 2018 – Michaela Luft

Internships in Moscow

Our partner university Moscow Polytech offers internships to students of mechanical engineering and materials science of TU Bergakademie Freiberg under the guidance of their professors.

The information on topics of the internships can be found in the Internship offer. The result of internship is expected to be presented as project at Department’s meeting.

Students who successfully secured one of these places can apply for a PROMOS scholarship.

01. Februar 2018 – Torsten Mayer

International Master in European Project Planning and Management in Florence, Italy

Methods and Techniques for Planning and Managing
Projects Funded by the European Commission

The objective of the International Master in European Project Planning and Management is to provide participants with the skills to successfully work in the field of European cooperation, through the use of fundings made available by the European Comission.

Time: total duration 5 months (800 hours) from 15 October to 14 December 2018, daily, Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM

Place: Florence, Italy (the classroom based part)

Programme: The Master course’s programme is organized in two main modules:

  • European Project Planning
  • European Project Management

Participants: The target group of the Master are graduates in any discipline. The pre-requisites are: university degree and a good knowledge of English.

Teaching staff: The teaching staff is composed by international experts with 15 to 25 years of experience in European project planning, management and assessment.

Internship: The Master organize for all participants a three month internship abroad, to work as Assistant European Project Manager in organizations with long experience in European project management.

Language: The language used in the Master course is English

Enrollment fee: 3600 euros

Provider: Pixel, Via Luigi Lanzi 12 – 50134 Firenze

Website for further information: http://europlan.pixel-online.org