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Wissenschaftler – Seite 8 – TUBAF International

TUBAF International

Neuigkeiten des Internationalen UniversitÀtszentrums

25. September 2014 – Michael Hofbauer

Stipendien Tschechien

Der Deutsch-Tschechische Zukunftsfonds vergibt fĂŒr das akademische Jahr 2015/2016 Stipendien fĂŒr einen Studienaufenthalt in Tschechien. Die Stipendien haben eine Laufzeit von 10 Monaten, beginnend mit dem Wintersemester. Die Fördersumme betrĂ€gt 650 €/ Monat zuzĂŒglich einer einmaligen Aufwandspauschale von 650 €. Bewerben können sich Studierende und Doktorand/innen aller Semester geistes- und gesellschaftswissenschaftlicher FĂ€cher (u.a. Rechts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften). Die Stipendiaten/innen sollen im Förderzeitraum an einem konkreten Projekt mit deutsch-tschechischer Thematik arbeiten und hierĂŒber eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit verfassen. Bewerbungsschluss ist der 15. Dezember 2014. Weitere Infos

18. Juni 2014 – Michael Hofbauer

Programme of International Day on June 24

Info market, Neue Mensa (Foyer)

Information booths

11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Study abroad: Studies and placements abroad, Funding opportunities and exchange programs
International activities: Commitment as a mentor, International students present their home countries in schools, Excursions and International evenings
Learning languages: German and foreign language courses, Language mentoring and tandem programme, Language tutors proof read theses and papers in German language

We would also like to invite you to taste tea from the Russian samowar, green tea from China or Arabic coffee, which international students will prepare. Further you are invited to taste fair trade products offered by the Freiberg shop “Fairkauf-Laden”.

Experience reports & short presentations (in German language)

12:00 p.m. Text in German language? The language tutor programme
12:45 p.m. Exchange studies funded by PROMOS in Santiago (Chile)
1:00 p.m. ERASMUS placement in Prague (Czech Republic)
1:15 p.m. Volunteer’s service on Kamchatka (Russia)
1:30 p.m. IAESTE placements

Information lecture, University library (Agricolasaal)

(in German language)
2 p.m. – 3 p.m. In this lecture you will get an compact overview about the possibilities of a stay abroad, its preparation and funding

Brazilian evening, Alte Mensa (hall)

8 p.m.: Due to the football championship we hear a lot about Brazil. But what
is the reality about Brazil, besides the current news coverage? The Brazilian
Students of the University want to answer that question during the Brazilian
evening, offering the chance to learn about their country firsthand.
Entry is free! Organised by AK AuslÀndische Studierende