Summer School in Yakutsk: „Climate Change: the Transformation of Landscapes and Adaptation of the Society“. July 14 – August 02.2014 (3 weeks)
The program offers a wide range of activities: lectures and seminars on climate science, permafrost studies, landscape science, biology and ecology of Yakutia (the coldest inhabited region in the world). It includes practical studies during trips to the „Spasskaya Pad“ research station, the Lena Pillars Nature Park and various excursions around Yakutsk.
Target group are Bachelor, Master and PhD Students of German universities interested in natural and humanitarian sciences: issues of geography, biology, ecology, tourism, history, ethnography, anthropology, etc.
Deadline for registration is 30.05.2014. Participation fee is ⏠900. You can apply for the DAAD grant „Go East“. For registration and further information please visit the website.