19. Mai 2021 – Torsten Mayer

Climate Crisis: The story of our food system – 19 May, 6 p.m.

Event poster with a photo of the lecturer, a young womanTime is clicking for our planet towards climate crisis and extinction of animals and plants. The world’s valuable forests is disappearing in an alarming rate due to the production our food globally. We are facing soon the era of system breakdown if we don’t do anything. Annisa Rahmawati, a graduate student of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, an environmental advocate at Mighty Earth based in Indonesia, will share her experience of forest protection and discuss solutions with you.

Lecturer: Annisa Rahmawati, alumna of TU Bergakademie Freiberg

Date: 19 May 2021

Time: 06:00 p.m.

Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89430961175?pwd=cDhwVDB5Sm9FaXdlWjlpM2xjMU54QT09
Meeting ID: 894 3096 1175
Code: 885319

The lecture is financially supported by the foundation „Nord-SĂŒd-BrĂŒcken“, the Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation and the Catholic Fund.

12. Mai 2021 – Torsten Mayer

“PandEscape” – A social adventure trip as an online block course, 19th/20th May

Illustration by rawpixel.com

Dear international student,

Do you know this: for weeks now you have been struggeling each day to motivate yourself in this strange empty situation of studying virtually without much contact to real persons around you. From time to time you get the impression to lose your self-confidence. While only occuring rarely a couple of months ago, you are now more and more often experiencing doubts if you can finish your studies soon successfully.

You are not alone!

It might seem hard to always motivate yourself. And it is! We are at your side and would like to invite you for a social adventure trip with fellow international students to find your original strength and spark once again.

Even though we have to use the virtual tools also for this special training, we believe it will become an empowering experience for you because we have a lot of practice to create a positive atmosphere of trust and belonging.
It is free from any pressure to perform and is unrelated to your studies content-wise. But you will get know a lot of very useful tools for self reflection and decision making which you probably will find useful for your future professional career. 

We call this 2-days block course “PandEscape” and it will take place from

May 19th, 13:00 – 20:00 and May 20th, 16:15 – 20:00 on zoom.

The event will be held in English.

After registration you will receive the ZOOM meeting link via e-mail.

Participating during the full time will help you the best and will be most beneficial. But in case you have an important lecture and would have to miss only a small part of the programme, it would in principle still be possible to participate.

We are very happy that we can offer this block course without any fee.


What do we need from you and what do you need for making it a good experience for yourself:

  • Please register until Sunday, May 16th by using the online registration form
  • Because it will be a very interactive event please organise stabil internet connection, headset and camera.

Which materials should you prepare for yourself:

  • A pile of Post-its or Din A6 paper (of course you can take DinA4 and cut it)
  • Highlighter (for text marking)
  • A post card with any motive you like or some paper and an envelope.
  • Your prefered pencil ?

We look forward to welcoming you to this social adventure trip.

Kind regards

Dr. Kristina Wopat, Director & Trainer
Annelie Hartmann, Trainer

10. Mai 2021 – Torsten Mayer

Ideation for business ideas

Workshop in English

Date: Tuesday, 6 July 2021, 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Have you always been dreaming about your own startup, but you just feel like you lack a good idea? Or maybe you already have an idea but don’t know how to twist and turn it into a good business idea? Then our ideation workshop might be just right for you. Together we will create LOTS of crazy ideas, discuss them and decide which one you might want to pursue.
You can join this workshop alone or together with your team members. All you need to have is the will to get crazy and creative about yours and other people’s ideas!

Workshop agenda:

  • Warm up
  • How to develop good ideas
  • Ideation session
  • Idea selection
  • Networking & Team up

The speaker, Franziska Böhler and Marika Hoyer, are SAXEED employees and support founding teams from the generation of ideas until their implementation.

24. MĂ€rz 2021 – Torsten Mayer

Curricular German courses in summer semester

The International Centre – Languages offers the following curricular German language courses in the summer semester 2021:


Registration via online form is required (follow this weblink)

The registration is possible until 29 March 2021. After your registration, you will be invited to the appropriate German course via the learning management system OPAL by 01 April 2021.

Further information on the website of the International Centre – Languages