11. November 2018 – Michaela Luft

Infoveranstaltung Wege ins Ausland

Studium, Praktikum oder Abschlussarbeit im Ausland geplant? Dann informieren Sie sich beim Internationalen UniversitÀtszentrum!

Die nĂ€chste allgemeine Informationsveranstaltung findet am Mittwoch, 14. November, von 13 bis 14 Uhr im SPQ-1406 in der PrĂŒferstr. 2 statt. Es ist keine Anmeldung erforderlich.

16. Oktober 2018 – Michaela Luft

Research in the Arctic Region – Arctic Floating University Expedition

From 22 June to 11 July 2019 a marine research and education expedition takes part in the Arctic region of Russia. The expedition consists of a research and an educational programme. The Programme focuses on bachelor, master, PhD students and scientists. All expeditions are carried out on the research vessel „Professor Molchanov“. Deadline for application: 15 December 2018. For further information see the organizer’s website on https://narfu.ru/en/research/expeditions/fu/. Participants can apply for funding through the PROMOS scholarship programme. Due to the duration of this programme, funding can only be 775 EUR maximum.