First Iraqi-German Universities’ Network Conference
Symposium on “Resource Management in the Development of Iraq”
29th Nov – 01st Dec 2010
at the Cultural Centre
University Salahaddin-Hawler, Erbil, Iraq
The DAAD sponsored Conference endeavours to enhance the network of the five Partnership Programmes that are part of the German-Iraqi University Partnerships scheme: the Technical University Berlin, the Technical University Dortmund, the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, and the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, as well as a number of leading Iraqi Universities, including the University of Salahaddin-Hawler, the University of Technology Bagdad, the University of Baghdad, the University of Sulaimani, the University of Al-Mustansiriya, the University of Diyala, the University of Basra, the University of Dohuk, Babylon University and the Erbil Technical College of Engineering. The Conference commences with presentations of interim reports of the five individual Partnership Programmes and the evaluation of their achievements since the start of the DAAD Partnership Programme. Thereafter, the role of Resource Management in the Development of Iraq will be discussed in five sessions which will focus on different dimensions of the question according to disciplinary orientations of the five Partnership Programmes.
The symposium is hosted by Salahaddin University, Erbil, Iraq and funded by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany.