AGU with AKAS: Swap Market

WHEN: July 9th, 2024 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. WHERE: In front of the EAC (or bad weather: in the foyer of the Neue Mensa) Swap old treasures for new discoveries – all without money! The AG Umwelt is once again holding its swap market together with the AKAS! Just come along and drop … Read more

Meet us at the Christmas markets!

On 06.12.2023 we will not be in room 3.213 of the new university library as usual, but at our stand at the student Christmas market in the foyer of the new canteen. We look forward to seeing you there and chatting in a pleasant atmosphere.

We will also be represented with a stand at the Christmas flea market in the “Buntes Haus” (Tschaikowskistraße 57a) on 09.12.23 (2nd Advent weekend).

translation with DeepL

Lunchbag Seminar: Climate System and Climate Change

Every Wednesday 1:15 pm to 2:00 pm you can attend the Lunchbag Seminar about Climate System and Climate Change.

Regardless of your professional background, you are invited to take part and join in the discussion.

In short lecture blocks, we will look at the Earth and climate system, paleoclimatic and current developments as well as non-linear interactions and feedbacks.
We will explore the boundaries between physical reality and societal decision-making.
decision-making. Individual examples will underpin the basis with specific examples of particular regions and disciplines.

Further information and lecture notes can be found on OPAL

AG Umwelt First Meeting

You are interested in nature, environment and climate protection and would like to bring these topics closer to other students and interested people? Then take a look at the AG Umwelt! We organize lectures, movie nights and other cool events to make a small contribution to education.

In the coming winter semester, we will focus on the topics of waste separation, nutrition and green campus (flowering meadows, mowing concepts). If these topics interest you or if you want to contribute with completely new suggestions, feel free to come by!

On 10/23/2013 is our first open meeting starts at 4pm in the new library. Meet downstairs at the entrance!
We look forward to seeing you!

No advertising – stickers

We have created “no advertising stickers” for you, so you can keep unnecessary advertising away from your mailboxes.  This contributes to the reduce of paper waste. You can simply save the embedded stickers as PNG’s. Not every “no advertsing sticker” states the same thing, the general sticker should prevent the delivery of leaflets, but free … Read more
