Group Counselling in English

Friday in specific weeks at 1:15 PM, a group counseling session will be held online. During this session, we will talk about the job entrance beginning from the individual situation and cover the fundamentals of job search, application and interviews. The session is interactive, so make sure beforehand, that your camera and microphone are working.

Please register via the following form. Close to the next session you will receive a link to join.

Wir sind daran interessiert, dich dabei zu unterstützen Deutsch zu lernen. Deswegen raten wir dir, die Beratung auf Deutsch zu machen, wenn du dich dazu in der Lage fühlst. / We are interested in supporting you to learn German. So, we advice you to do the consultation in German, if you feel up for it

In welcher Sprache möchtest du an der Beratung teilnehmen? / In which language should the consultation be held? *
Aus welchem Land kommst du? / Which country are you from? *
Deutschkenntnisse / German level *
Datenschutzerklärung / Data protection declaration *
Datenschutzerklärung / Data protection declaration *

Due to our funding we have to collect anonymized statistical data about our counselling sessions and provide them to our funding body.