
Dear prospective participant of the GADEST 2024 conference,

if you want to present your recent work during the meeting, please prepare a single A4 page abstract (not more than 300 words) within PDF format in compliance with the instructions given in the template. Necessary figures and tables can be placed on an additional page. You cannot submit your abstract anymore.

The decision on the submitted abstracts will be announced end of March 2024.

During the submission you will be asked to create an account and provide all necessary information related to your abstract.

Along with the abstract, please provide the following information:

  • Title
  • Authors
  • Presenting author
  • Corresponding author and his/her email
  • Related number(s) from the list of the conference topics (e.g. I.i or I.ii. or II.iv, etc.)
  • Desired form of presentation: Oral presentation or Poster presentation
  • Publication in the special conference issue: planned, not planned

Your submitted abstract will be evaluated by the members of the International Program Committee (IPC) of the conference. The IPC and the conference chairs will determine the suitability of the abstract to the scope of the conference and determine the form of the presentation. The results of the evaluation will be immediately reported to the corresponding author by email. The conference organizers will also inform editors of Physica Status Solidi (a) that the abstract (Title, Authors, Corresponding author) was accepted for the presentation and the related manuscript can be considered for the special conference issue.

Post Deadline Abstract / Late News can be submitted until 15 April, 2024 as attachment to the conference email account. Such submissions will only be considered for poster presentation and the related manuscript cannot be included in the special issue of physica status solidi (a)!

All accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference Digest along with the program, which will be distributed to participants during registration.

Please note: The publication will be a regular special issue of physica status solidi (a), not a conference proceedings. Articles must fulfil the typical standards and requirements of the journal. Acceptance of a contribution for presentation at the conference based on the abstract submission is mandatory, however, it does not automatically guarantee inclusion of the publication in the special issue. The details for submitting a manuscript are given on the publication page.

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