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Sommerschulen – Seite 10 – TUBAF International

International Summer School of Economics

The 11th International Summer School of Economics, organized by Faculty of Economics, University of Niš, Serbia, will be held on August 21 – 27th, 2016 at the Zlatibor mountain in Serbia. Application deadline is July 15th, 2016.

All relevant information regarding the detailed program of the XI ISSE, accommodation, etc. could be found on www.eknfak.ni.ac.rs/summerschool and in the ISSE 2016 flyer.

Sommerschule Bergbautechnik in Krakau

Vom 11. – 24. September findet an der AGH Krakau eine Sommerschule Bergbautechnik statt. Diese richtet sich an Studierende oder Doktoranden der Fachrichtungen Bergbau und beinhaltet neben Lehrveranstaltungen auch Exkursionen zu Bergbaueinrichtungen und Firmenbesuche. Weitere Informationen zur Sommerschule und das Bewerbungsformular finden Sie unter http://www.gorn.agh.edu.pl/en/ssme.

Summer School „Materials and Technologies“ in Moscow

Designed for undergraduate students who have completed at least their second year of study, the two-week international summer school „Materials and Technologies“ at the National University of Science and Technology MISiS in Moscow, Russia will start on 21 August 2016.  Summer School „Materials and Technologies“ in Moscow weiterlesen