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Sommerschulen – Seite 13 – TUBAF International

Sommerschule an der China University of Geoscience Wuhan

An der China University of Geoscience Wuhan finden vom 25. Juni bis 8. August 2016 Kurzprogramme zu verschiedenen Themen, u. a. geologischer Feldpraxis oder chinesischer Sprache und Kultur statt. Sommerschule an der China University of Geoscience Wuhan weiterlesen

Russisch lernen in Sibirien

Vom 2. – 31. Juli findet im westsibirischen Tjumen eine Sommerschule zur russischen Sprache und Kultur statt. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Ausschreibung.

Apply now for the International STEM Summer School

Application deadline extended to 13 March 2016.

Are you planning to study or work abroad? Are you looking for a chance to apply your theoretical knowledge and solve real-life industry problems? Would you like to experience in advance how working digitally in international teams feels like?

Then take part in our virtual STEM Summer School! (STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, mathematics).You would work on interdisciplinary case studies from globally active companies for 9 weeks alongside your regular studies (15th-23rd calendar weeks), together with other STEM students. During that time, you would be tutored and mentored by professors, company representatives and e-tutors.

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg, as an internationally well-known STEM university, develops a virtual summer school specialized for “incomings” and “outgoings”. There, STEM students of different nations and universities work together on interdisciplinary case studies, which are based on real life events and experiences of industry partners representing the STEM industries. This concept combines verbal and professional as well as intercultural aspects and will be tested from April to June 2016.

Your chance

  • to work in an international and interdisciplinary team
  • to broaden your specialist language skills (German/English)
  • to work together with other students on real life problems
  • to get feedback from the particular international industry partners
  • to network with international companies and gain connecting factors for potential internships and employers
  • to get a certificate for your successful participation in this project
  • to receive credit points (The awarding of credit points will be coordinated with the respective university.)

Your qualifications

  • You are studying in the area of STEM (for instance biology, chemistry, computer science, mathematics, physics, machine engineering, process engineering, mining, geology, industrial engineering) in the master degree course.
  • You are interested in cooperation with an international and interdisciplinary team of students.
  • You fancy getting introduced to a new topic and work on it independently within your team.

How to apply

Please send us a short letter of motivation (max. 250 words) and your CV (max. 1 DIN A4 page) by the end of February to: .

Application deadline

13 March 2016


If you have questions, feel free to contact us by e-mail: .