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Summer School on „Monitoring and early warnings in mountain social-ecological systems“ – TUBAF International

Summer School on „Monitoring and early warnings in mountain social-ecological systems“

Siberian Federal University and Gorno-Altaisk State University offer an International Summer School „Monitoring and early warnings in mountain social-ecological systems“ to be organized on July 15–29, 2018.

The School will be the third in the series of summer schools to be organized from 2016 to 2018 under the Jean-Monnet project “Systems for monitoring and responses to early warnings — EU experience for Russia”. This year it will be focused on  monitoring, reporting and verification systems for governance of mountain social-ecological systems, recognition of early warnings and development of science-policy interfaces.

The school designed as a research training exercise will be held in Siberian Federal University in Krasnoyarsk at case study location of National Nature Reserve Krasnoyarsk “Stolby” and at two case study locations of Katunskiy Biosphere Reserve set by Gorno-Altaisk State University in Altai Mountains.

The School fee covers catering, accommodation, local transportation and excursion costs; some of the costs and partly or fully subsidised by Siberian Federal University. Depending on the selected research track (i.e. the case study location) and the desired level of comfort the fee varies from EUR 150 to 220 for the Altai part, and EUR 115 for the Krasnoyarsk part (more details will come later). The train trip from Krasnoyarsk to Gorno-Altaisk for the participants of the Preparatory School (and back, if needed; 5000-12000 Russian roubles depending on the preferred travel class; direct flights are available as well) is not included in the fee, and shall be borne by participants. Accommodation, catering, local transportation and train ticket reservations will be centrally arranged.

The application deadline is April 10, 2018. 

You may apply for the Summer School on-line by submitting the application form available at http://forms.sfu-kras.ru/summer-water-school.

For more information, please visit the web page of the Summer School at http://www.sfu-kras.ru/en/education/courses/ecological-school and refer to the Summer School Booklet.