19. Juni 2017 – Christin Nenner

International and digital – the second round of STEM Summer School delighted participants

Insight in the virtual final event on 8 June 2017

On 8 June 2017, the international student teams took the opportunity to present the results of their joint virtual work at the final event of the international STEM Summer School. Apart from the teams, the student tutors and the consultants from the cooperating companies participated in the virtual final meeting. The consultants assessed the work of the teams and put the team results into the economic and entrepreneurial context.

Both the participants as well as the consultants were enthusiastic about what the teams had done in the last nine weeks.

„I was impressed by the participants‘ fast perception. Already during our first virtual team meeting, it was clear that the team was on the right way to the solution. Especially the interdisciplinary and interactive work led to innovative approaches.“
Alexander Heiden, Branch Manager, SEM Fire and Rescue Pty Ltd, Australia

“I would like to express my appreciation for the Summer School! This project developed my communication skills, diplomacy, a sense of community and my knowledge in different fields 🙂 What about an International STEM Winter School?”
Polina, Participant of the International STEM Summer School 2017, St. Petersburg

A big and hearty thank you to all the participants, tutors and consultants! Another successful round of the international STEM Summer School would not have been possible without you!

28. April 2017 – Christin Nenner

The international STEM Sumer School is in full swing

A lot has happened during the last few weeks

  • In calendar week 14, we had 3 WARM-UP sessions to introduce e-learning tools, such as virtual classroom, wiki, forum, and e-portfolio.
  • To our KICK-OFF event on April 11, we welcomed 13 highly motivated STEM students (yes, more! =)) in seven different countries. During the KICK-OFF, representatives from globally operating companies presented their cases and the student tutors the teams, who will deal with the cases in virtual teamwork.

To get an impression of the KICK-OFF event on April 11, some pictures.

An international project – The pins mark the locations of the participants, consultants, and tutors.

An exclusively virtual project – the e-learning tools for the implementation of the project are introduced.

Since then, the teams meet regularly in the virtual classroom. And there are also initial successes

  • The teams got to know each other and developed a guideline to work together.
  • The cases were individually analyzed by each participant and within the team.
  • Each participant reflected on her/his experiences and professional expertise within solving individual weekly tasks.
  • Each team has developed an approach to solve the respective case.

Now, the hot processing phase solving the cases can start!


06. April 2017 – Christin Nenner

Warming up for the second round of the international STEM Summer School

We are pleased to welcome 12 highly motivated STEM students from all over the world at our international STEM Summer School.

warming up (www.pixabay.com)

At the moment we all are getting familiar with the online course and the used e-learning tools, such as virtual classroom, wiki, forum, and e-portfolio, within our WARM-UP week. Furthermore, the participants are getting to know each other as well as the basics of working together in virtual groups.

In the following nine weeks our 12 STEM students from different nations and universities will work together on interdisciplinary case studies, which are based on real life events and experiences of industry partners.

We all are looking forward to an exciting and eventful STEM Summer School starting with the KICK-OFF on 11 April 2017, 12 a.m. (UTC/GMT + 2 hours)!

07. MĂ€rz 2017 – Christin Nenner

The international STEM Summer School at the INTED2017

INTED2017 – Here we are!
The presented poster

Since this morning, as coordinator of the international STEM Summer School, I am standing next to our poster and answering all the questions of the interested participants. Both the concept of the project as well as the implementation of the first round from April to June 2016 are discussed. Of course, this year’s round (starting in the beginning of April 2017) is also of great interest and I am diligently distributing business cards.


The oral presentation

During an oral presentation, I was able to present the results of our first round and am very happy about the lively input and encouragement. The listeners were particularly interested in the experience with the exclusively virtual cooperation of international students. What were the challenges and how were they solved? On the basis of our successful first run, I was able to explain and demonstrate it.

Now the business cards are slowly running out and all participants are looking forward to a small breather….