23.11. Lecture: Ways out of the growth compulsion – The utopia of sustainable socialism?

We cordially invite you to a lecture organised by the Weltladen Freiberg, the IÖZ Freiberg and the AG Umwelt Freiberg!


“Eco-socialism or barbarism” is the message given by the Spanish Minister of Consumer Affairs 50 years after the publication of the first Club of Rome report. Alberto Garzón thus clearly identifies the challenges we are facing. Societies that can only imagine their future in dystopian scenarios are, according to Klaus Dörre’s thesis, not viable in the long run. This is the reason why the Jena sociologist pleads for a sustainable socialist alternative. However, the concrete utopia of sustainable socialism only has a chance of realisation if there is a readjustment of development and détente policies in the world of interstate relations. It is obvious that with the intensification of imperial rivalries, the danger of armed conflicts and wars also increases. Asymmetric wars are already being fought on the borders of rival empires. In some ways, the situation resembles the late phase of classical imperialism at the beginning of the 20th century. This time, imperial powers are not competing for colonies, but for sales markets, raw materials and technological leadership. And they are striving to seal off the welfare zones – which are extremely unequal within them – against migration movements and economic competition. This is where the lecture comes in. He discusses the problem of climate justice in inter-state and intra-societal transformation conflicts and connects this analysis with the perspective of a struggle for a new, just international order – a struggle that is oriented towards the proposal that Tanzanian President Julius Nyerere once drafted as a plea for social world citizenship and as a compass for a socialist globalisation. Even if this concept cannot be transferred one-to-one to the present, it becomes clear that radical changes are necessary in the old capitalist centres in order to give poor countries any chance of development at all with the prospect of satisfying the elementary needs of their populations.

Speaker: Prof. Klaus Dörre, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena

When: 23 November 2022, at 8 pm

Where: Wernerbau (Brennhausgasse 14)


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