FK12 2024

8th Freiberger PhD Conference

Ideas Unleashed, Futures Patented – From Concept to Copyright

As a cherished tradition, we are thrilled to announce the 8th Freiberger PhD Conference, scheduled to take place on the final day of the BHT. This interdisciplinary symposium promises a captivating showcase of oral and poster presentations, providing a window into the captivating and diverse research endeavors undertaken by our university’s doctoral candidates.

In this edition, our focus is on unlocking the potential of the ideas that have shaped your research and equipping them for future applications. Our distinguished keynote speakers, representing various disciplines, will guide you through the process of surmounting obstacles when it comes to patenting your ideas and concepts, as well as establishing your innovations within the industry.

Do you wish more people were aware of your research and desire to enhance your presentation skills? Are you eager to delve into the research of your peers? If so, we invite you to join us at the 8th Freiberger PhD Conference in 2024! You can contribute by presenting your own research either through an oral presentation or a poster, or simply immerse yourself in the discussions, listening to others and posing questions. 

Connect with our PhD students, engage in idea exchange, gain invaluable conference experience, and hone your language proficiency. We eagerly anticipate your participation! Stay tuned for our call for abstracts, which will be disseminated across all university communication channels.

Your PhD Student Council (ProRat)

We invite all participants to join us for a BBQ at the Cafeteria directly after the conference!

Detailed programme (als PDF-Datei)

Date: 7th June 2024
Venue: Zentrum für effiziente Hochtemperatur-Stoffwandlung (ZeHS), EG.133, Winklerstr. 5
Language: English 
Chairperson: ProRat
Colloquium Office: Helena Fuchs, Julien Göthel

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