Third (and last) field campaign successfully completed

Blood, sweat and tears may be a bit of an exaggeration. Yet, we did shed blood to myriads of insects, this time including mosquitos, we sure did sweat it out daily, but I do not remember tears.

The last (so far) five weeks of tough fieldwork, more than 5000 kilometres by 4W vehicle and lots of rain. We likely experienced a rainy season that was much more normal than in 2016. Again, everything looked different in comparison to the previous campaign. Yet, we felt more familiar with all locations and sites. So much indeed that we miss many places that we will likely not see so quickly again.

It was sobering to see how at some locations, forest diminished further. At one site, where we had dense forest in phase 02 still, we were now installing rings and chamber systems on barren ground with a fair view to a far away horizon. For data and results, check the project pages in more detail. We keep updating as the processed material comes in.

At this point a big Thank You to the field crew with Julia Becher, Gilvan Coimbra Martins, Roberval Monteiro Bezzera de Lima, Sophie von Fromm and Kamal Zurba. You guys are great.