Hi, I am Golam!! I am native to Khulna, Bangladesh. I have completed my B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Bangladesh. Afterwards, I moved to Germany for my M.Sc. I graduated from TU Clausthal in Petroleum Engineering. Currently, I am pursuing my PhD in petroleum Production Engineering in TU Bergakademie Freiberg. In my free time, I like to play badminton, table tennis, reading books as well as spend time in nature. My strengths are my analytical approach, my multi-cultural touch to the situations, my appreciable communication, and presentation skills. I believe in vision with a realistic approach. I am passionate about making the world a better pace. EMPOWER gave me the opportunity and platform to work on my passion through “Waste Recycling Project”. Through the EMPOWER program, I met a lot of wonderful, courageous soul across the globe who are committed to make the world more peaceful. Thank you all…………