“A lovely day to everyone! I would love to present myself to you. My name is Linda Dennar. I am from a small town in Nigeria, West Africa called Azumini. I spent the growing years of my life in the Southern part of Nigeria where I achieved my basic education. I had bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering and M.Sc. in Reservoir Engineering prior to the commencement of my Petroleum Engineering Career. I have worked for various indigenous and multinational oil & gas exploration and production companies. My Quest to break new frontiers in enhanced oil recovery brought me to TU Bergakademie Freiberg (TU BAF) and I am enjoying it. I am currently a Doctoral Candidate working on the suitability of “Polymer Alternating Gas injection (EOR)” in the Sandstone depo structure at the institute of Drilling and Fluid Mining, TU BAF. I am very passionate about tending to the needy, widows and indigent children. This passion gave birth to the “DD Foundation” that has reached out to over 3000 Adults and Children. Many thanks to the EMPOWER program for giving me a leap in managing this initiative and thus propelling it forward. My favorite extracurricular activity is travelling and listening to good music. I explored 5 different continents and I am blessed with a lovely husband and Children.”