„Hi, I’m Precious Okoroafor but called Presh for short. I am from Nigeria and a PhD Candidate at the Interdisciplinary Environmental Research Centre/ Institute of Biosciences, TU Bergakademie Freiberg where my research is focused on Bio-recovery of Resources from Soil, Geochemical Mapping of Soil and Biomass Production for Bioenergy, and hopefully will be finishing by the end of 2021. I also hold a Master’s in Environmental Science with focus on Pollution Monitoring and Control from the University of Trier, Rhineland-Palatinate also in Germany. I am passionate about environmental protection and sustainability and this passion has led me to get involved in several environmental advocacy programmes and projects targeted at protecting the environment. Being a member of EMPOWER has been helpful with respect to resources and knowledge required for planning and executing some of these programmes and projects, for which I am grateful. Beyond EMPOWER, I look forward to building on the knowledge gained from EMPOWER to not only advocate for the environment but also other issues that border on promoting societal development. For relaxation, I watch football, tennis and engage in body fitness activities – Thank you „