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Sommerschulen – Seite 6 – TUBAF International

Stipendien fĂŒr Sommerschule mit Teezeremonie und Bierverkostung

An unserer Partnerhochschule in Taiwan, der National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) in Taichung finden vom 24. Juni bis 06. Juli und vom 30. Juni bis 14. Juli 2018 zwei Sessions einer Sommerschule statt. In den in Englisch angebotenen Kursen und Exkursionen geht es um die Themen Tea Culture und Beer Brewing. Stipendien fĂŒr Sommerschule mit Teezeremonie und Bierverkostung weiterlesen

Summer School on „Monitoring and early warnings in mountain social-ecological systems“

Siberian Federal University and Gorno-Altaisk State University offer an International Summer School „Monitoring and early warnings in mountain social-ecological systems“ to be organized on July 15–29, 2018. Summer School on „Monitoring and early warnings in mountain social-ecological systems“ weiterlesen

Winter School „Energy, Oil and Gas in the Arctic Region“

The International Winter School “Energy, Oil and Gas in the Arctic Region” will be held on 11-17 March 2018 in Arkhangelsk.

The School is organized by NArFU Higher School of Energy, Oil and Gas known for its extensive expertise and academic tradition in training highly qualified specialists for the Russian and international oil and gas clusters. The participants will receive complex overview of the oil and gas potential of the Arctic region, extend their knowledge in technological solutions of sea and shelf fields development in the North, discuss ecological problems.

For further information see the announcement and the information sheet.