26. April 2016 – Christin Nenner Allgemein

First challenge: TEAMBUILDING

Following our Kick off at April, 12th 2016, the participants got familiar with their teams and their cases. Before starting with the case study work, another challenge waited…

How to work together in an international team?

The teams have to handle with intercultural differences as well as with different locations. The intercultural differences manifest itself for example in different ways of learning and working as well as in different styles of communication. In addition the participants have various professional levels that lead into different working methods and expectations. The location and time differences impact organizational issues and schedules of participants. Already this short list of examples shows, that the implementation of a profitable and fulfilling team work in the context of internationalization is a quite big deal. To tackle all this, the teams established a common guideline that serves as a basis for their coming teamwork. The guideline comprises for instance following topics:




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