Online Featured Tour

Online Featured Tour (OFT) is an online presentation showing examples of data processing and classification workflow used in the ChangeHabitats2 project (CH2).
The study site selected for OFT is Ágota-puszta Pannonic salt steppe in Hungary. This site was chosen because it represents most intensive processing results and largest number of different processing approaches were performed and the largest number of different classification scenarios were obtained with this study site.The content of OFT website presentation includes most important processing steps of a CH2 method of classification and assessment of Natura 2000 site ecological status for management purposes. There are a number of content elements presented within the OFT viewer web application:

  • visualization of processed sensor data products like LiDAR derivative rasters – used as a basis for classification
  • ground-truth & training data, including pictures taken during ground surveys
  • lists of classification items with their description, color scheme and cover
  • overview maps of entire study area for every classification scenario
  • detail pages with high-resolution classification renderings for regions of interest in multiple visualization modes

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