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Veranstaltungen – Seite 11 – TUBAF International

Ideation for business ideas

Workshop in English

Date: Tuesday, 6 July 2021, 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Have you always been dreaming about your own startup, but you just feel like you lack a good idea? Or maybe you already have an idea but don’t know how to twist and turn it into a good business idea? Then our ideation workshop might be just right for you. Together we will create LOTS of crazy ideas, discuss them and decide which one you might want to pursue.
You can join this workshop alone or together with your team members. All you need to have is the will to get crazy and creative about yours and other people’s ideas!

Workshop agenda:

  • Warm up
  • How to develop good ideas
  • Ideation session
  • Idea selection
  • Networking & Team up

The speaker, Franziska Böhler and Marika Hoyer, are SAXEED employees and support founding teams from the generation of ideas until their implementation.

Webinar „Arbeitskultur in Deutschland“/“Work Culture in Germany“

Deutsch (English below):
Noch bis 16. MĂ€rz 2021 könnt ihr euch fĂŒr unser Webinar „Arbeitskultur in Deutschland“ am 17. MĂ€rz 2021 von 9.30 bis 12.30 Uhr anmelden! Inhalte sind: Wichtigste deutsche Kulturstandards, Umgangsweisen und Konfliktgefahren im geschĂ€ftlichen Umfeld, Definition der Rolle eines Arbeitnehmers und der FĂŒhrungskraft, Übung mit Fallbeispielen, Vorstellung von Konfliktlösungsmodellen, KlĂ€rung und Diskussion eigener Erfahrungen.

Start-up ideas competition

Poster, Announcement with text, colour blue and green, title: Idea CompetionYou have been pursuing an idea or
a solution to a problem for a long
time and don’t know if you can
succeed with it? You think about
how to bring the results of your
research into a great business idea?

No matter whether crazy, daring or completely normal, whether as a lone fighter or
as a team – concepts from all areas of life, research and work can be submitted.

Who can take part?

  • students from all departments
  • research associates and
  • professors
  • graduates

What are the benefits of participation?

  • professional feedback from experts in science, business/banking and start-up promotion
  • further development of the business idea with SAXEED start-up experts
  • prizes worth 5,000 Euros

Hurry up and realize your ideas

  • please apply via our online application portal (available in German language only, English applications are welcome)
  • deadline: 5 March 2021
  • Note: The idea is important – a business plan does not have to be ready yet

Contact for further questions

GrĂŒndernetzwerk SAXEED at TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Ms. Franziska Böhler, Start-up Consultant
Phone: +49 (0) 3731 39 3886