19. Juni 2023 – Torsten Mayer

Neue Website der TUBAF seit 19.06.2023 online

Bildschirmfoto einer Webseite mit der Überschrift "Internationale Studieninteressiert", Hintergrundbild: Ein Luftbild von einer Stadt mit roten ZiegeldĂ€chernDEUTSCH:
Der Internetauftritt der TUBAF wurde ĂŒberarbeitet und ging am 19. Juni 2023 online: https://tu-freiberg.de/.

Internationale Studieninteressierte und Studierende finden Informationen zur Bewerbung und zur Studienvorbereitung unter Studium – Vor dem Studium – Internationale Studieninteressierte.

Studierende der TUBAF, die im Ausland studieren möchten oder ein Praktikum anstreben, finden das Informationsangebot der International Office unter Studium – Rund ums Studium – Von Freiberg ins Ausland.


Screenshot of a website, title: International Prospective StudentsThe TUBAF website was revised and went online on 19 June 2023: https://tu-freiberg.de/en/.

Prospective international students and students can find information on how to apply and prepare for their studies under Study – Before you study – Prospective international students.

16. Juni 2023 – Torsten Mayer

International Day on 15 June 2023


Veranstaltungsposter mit Titel, Ort, Zeit und Inhalt der Veranstaltung; Details s. WebseiteOn 15 June 2023 the University Sports Centre and the International University Centre celebrated internationality at TUBAF and showed ways to study abroad.

Under the motto „sports, fun, exchange“, an International Day took place in the foyer of the „Neue Mensa“ as well as on the „GlĂŒck-Auf“ Stadium, Chemnitzer Straße 48.

Photo Impressions


The event consisted of these two parts:

  • At lunchtime, the International University Centre will present itself in the foyer of the New Mensa. With a poster exhibition, information stands and lectures, we will provide information about our international university TUBAF and about the opportunities for studying or doing an internship abroad.
  • In the afternoon and evening, the University Sports Centre invited you to an encounter sports festival with surprising sporting challenges and relaxed get-togethers with delicious food and music. The venue: GlĂŒck-Auf-Sporthalle and Stadium, Chemnitzer Straße 48.

1. Venue „Neue Mensa“, time 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Advice and information on studying abroad

The following partners will be on site:

Advice and information for staff on financially supported stays abroad

All employees (academic and non-academic staff) have the opportunity to spend a financially supported stay abroad at a European partner university of TUBAF within the framework of the Erasmus programme.

Language Lunch

Have lunch and talk in another language (English, Spanish, French).
Matching international dishes are offered in the refectory.

„A question of perspective“ – Workshop for staff and students

In everyday work with international students, questions arise such as: Why does he never come on time? Why does he always laugh? Why does he say yes when he doesn’t understand? These and other questions are examined from different perspectives. So-called critical incidents will be dealt with and analysed in small groups.

Network organisations for foreign students

  • AKAS (Working Group for Foreign Students)
  • STUBE (Study Support Programme for Foreign Students)
  • NAF (Network of Africans)

2. Sports Centre, 4:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., venue: GlĂŒck-Auf Stadion, Chemnitzer Straße 48

You can find the programme at TUBAF sport.

31. Mai 2023 – Torsten Mayer

Immigration Office: Problems with online appointment management system

The immigration office („Stabsstelle AuslĂ€nder- und Asylangelegenheiten, Landkreis Mittelsachsen“) has currently considerable problems with the appointment management system.

For almost 2 weeks the office has not been able to process incoming appointment requests. As a result 350 appointment requests have already piled up, and the number is rising. The office is receiving a number of enquiries about this in various ways.

The Immigration Office wants to point out that:

it is working diligently to solve the problem,
enquiries are to be refrained from,
the requests for appointments will be dealt with as soon as possible after the problem has been solved.

31. Mai 2023 – Torsten Mayer

AuslÀnderbehörde: Probleme mit dem Online-Terminverwaltungssystem

Die Stabsstelle AuslÀnder- und Asylangelegenheiten des Landkreises Mittelsachsen hat derzeit erhebliche Probleme mit dem Online-Terminverwaltungssystem.

Seit fast zwei Wochen ist die Stabsstelle nicht mehr in der Lage, eingehende Terminanfragen zu bearbeiten. Infolgedessen haben sich bereits 350 Terminanfragen angesammelt. Die Behörde erhÀlt dazu eine Reihe von Anfragen auf verschiedenen Wegen.

Die Behörde möchte darauf hinweisen, dass:

  • an der Lösung des Problems intensiv gearbeitet wird,
  • von Anfragen bitte abgesehen werden soll,
  • neue Terminanfragen so schnell wie möglich bearbeitet werden, sobald das Problem gelöst ist.