Filmischer RĂŒckblick auf den Internationalen Tag am 28.06.2017 â mit Interviews mit verschiedenen Helfern und mit Besucherinnen und Besuchern aus dem In- und Ausland
Internship at Ukhta State Technical University, Russia

This internship program aim at providing the interns the ability to realize their talents and skills, enhance their professional skills for their future career and the opportunity to delve into Russian culture. The internship program is mainly directed towards the cooperation with companies and universities all around the world, including oil and gas companies and universities, international relations and collaboration, organizing work and work with international students, language internships and cultural exchanges, paperwork management, media marketing (mass media work, journalism) and IT (web design, content management, proof reading, web master, etc.).
Internships at the International Department of Ukhta State Technical University has been of great benefits for the students. Interns at Ukhta State Technical university gain advantages such us an individual internship plan according to their direction of study, working on international projects, accommodation and services for free (negotiable), participating in university/regional/trans-regional seminars, festivals, conferences, etc.
This internship can be useful to students, who need to get international work experience, culture exchange, see a new country and work in a team. Especially, it is important for future specialists of International relations, Journalism, management, information technology, communication and media studies and Russian language studies etc.
Students from your university are always welcome to undergo internship programs at USTU at period of time suitable for them. More information about the internship can be found here. We would like you to consider this proposal and inform your students and study departments who will be interested in international experience.
Fotowettbewerb „Mein Erasmus, meine Stadt“
Campus France Deutschland und das Institut français Deutschland veranstalten anlĂ€sslich des 30-jĂ€hrigen JubilĂ€ums des Erasmus+ Programms einen Fotowettbewerb mit dem Motto âMein Erasmus, meine Stadtâ.
Teilnehmen können Studierende, die an einer deutschen Hochschule eingeschrieben sind und mit dem Erasmus+ Programm in Frankreich waren.
Die schönsten Fotos werden beim Erasmus-Tag am 13. Oktober 2017 im Institut français Berlin ausgestellt. Dort findet auch die Preisverleihung fĂŒr die besten Bilder statt.
Erasmus-Tag am 13.10. in Berlin
- Preis: Ein Wochenende in Paris fĂŒr 2 Personen (Reise; Unterkunft beim Generator Paris)
- Preis: Zwei Konzertkarten fĂŒr das Konzert von Benjamin Clementine (21. November, Berliner Philarmonie)
- Preis: Eine Hin- und RĂŒckfahrt (EU) fĂŒr 2 Personen von Flixbus
Spezialpreis: Ein Jahresabo der Zeitschrift ParisBerlin
Weitere Informationen und detaillierte Teilnahmebedingungen unter:
Einsendeschluss ist der 31. August 2017.
Bonne chance!