1. Advent (English version): Geoecology – GeoWHAT?!

“Something about Christmas time…” today is the first day of our “Geoecology in Advent season” info series. Topic of this time: “Geoecology – GeoWHAT?!”


Geoecology (Geoökologie) has existed at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg since 1996. However, it was “invented” in Bayreuth in 1978. From the very beginning, the focus was on interdisciplinary approaches to gain better understanding of the Earth system. Hence, Geoecology combines elements of both, geosciences and geography.

Geoecology is now ba study programme at six German universities. There are also a number of related fields of study, such as Biogeochemistry. The orientation and interpretation of “geoecology” differs between the universities. For example, the social sciences may have a large influence at some universities. The Association for Geoecology in Germany e. V. (VGöD → https://www.vgoed.de/) acts as a joint umbrella organization for universities, students and graduates.

Verband für Geoökologie in Deutschland (VGÖD e.V.)

In Freiberg, the geoecology course is part of the Faculty of Geosciences, Geotechnics and Mining. However, there are close links to the Faculty of Chemistry, Physics and Biosciences as well as to certain professorships of the Faculty of Economics. These three departments are also assembled under the umbrella of the Interdisciplinary Ecological Center (IÖZ → https://tu-freiberg.de/ioez).

Moreover, there is also us, the Fachgruppe Geoökologie. We were founded in 2013 and are recognized as a student initiative. We see ourselves as a supplement and support for the Student Representative Council (FSR) of the Faculty of Geosciences, Geotechnics and Mining. For example, we plan activities for Geoecology students, support the freshmen and promote the networking between the students.

Overall, about 130 people study Geoecology in Freiberg. Thus, it is one of the mid-size programmes. And sometime study life looks aktually like this:

Challenge #1

The challenge for the 1st advent calls for your creativity: Write a comment about what you associate with geoecology. Don’t like writing? No problem! Send us a picture related to geoecology, either painted or photographed. Still have to bake cookies? Bake cookies and decorate them in a way that represents geoecology to you. If you don’t have an oven, making pancakes is fine too. Afterwards, send us a picture of your creations! The pictures will be shared on our Instagram page and blog on the 2nd advent.

Tip: Among those who take part in all of our four challenges in December we will raffle a little gift.¹

Wishing you a peaceful Christmas time

Fachgruppe Geoökologie 🪴

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    ¹ The detailed terms & conditions can be found here (German only): https://blogs.hrz.tu-freiberg.de/fachgruppe-geooekologie/teilnahmebedingungen-und-datenschutzhinweis-gewinnspiel-geooekologie-im-advent/