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Sommerschulen – Seite 5 – TUBAF International

Summer School „The Value Life Cycle of Materials in the Circular Economy

At Montanuniversität Leoben the call to apply for the international summer school program CirCOOL 2.0–The Value Life Cycle of Materials in the Circular Economy has been opened! Summer School „The Value Life Cycle of Materials in the Circular Economy weiterlesen

Research in the Arctic Region – Arctic Floating University Expedition

From 22 June to 11 July 2019 a marine research and education expedition takes part in the Arctic region of Russia. The expedition consists of a research and an educational programme. The Programme focuses on bachelor, master, PhD students and scientists. All expeditions are carried out on the research vessel „Professor Molchanov“. Deadline for application: 15 December 2018. For further information see the organizer’s website on https://narfu.ru/en/research/expeditions/fu/. Participants can apply for funding through the PROMOS scholarship programme. Due to the duration of this programme, funding can only be 775 EUR maximum. 

Infoveranstaltung zum PROMOS-Stipendium

Am Mittwoch, 25. April findet ab 17.00 Uhr in der Prüferstraße 2, SPQ-1406, eine Informationsveranstaltung zum PROMOS-Stipendienprogramm statt.

Infoveranstaltung zum PROMOS-Stipendium weiterlesen