Designed for undergraduate students who have completed at least their second year of study, the two-week international summer school „Materials and Technologies“ at the National University of Science and Technology MISiS in Moscow, Russia will start on 21 August 2016. Summer School „Materials and Technologies“ in Moscow weiterlesen
Schlagwort: Russia
Summer Schools in Eastern Europe and beyond
The German Academic Exchange Service wants to promote study and research in the countries of Central, Southeast and Eastern Europa and also Transcaucasia and Central Asia. Therefore the German Academic Exchange Service funds students who want to take part in summer and winter schools through the programme „Go East“. These events are organised every year during the summer or winter months and cover various topics. The programme is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
All students that are registered at a German university and intend to finish their degree in Germany may apply, no matter what subject they study. Graduates with a completed master and PhD students are not able to apply.
Information about the summer schools, further information about the application process and what is included in the scholarship can be found on
Arktisexpedition 2016 – Arctic expedition 2016
Auch 2016 wird vom 05. – 24. Juni wieder eine marine Forschungs- und Lehrexpedition in der arktischen Region Russlands stattfinden. Die Expedition besteht aus einem Forschungs- und einem Lehrprogramm. Das Programm ist für Bachelor- und Masterstudierende sowie Doktoranden vorgesehen. Alle Expeditionen werden auf einem Forschungsschiff durchgeführt. Bewerbungsfrist: 15. Februar 2016. Rückfragen und Bewerbungen stellen Sie bitte an den Veranstalter, die Nordarktische Föderale Universität. Mehr Informationen (PDF, 506 KB). Teilnehmer können sich für eine Förderung durch das PROMOS-Stipendienprogramm bewerben.
From 5 June to 24 June 2016 a marine research and education expedition takes part in the Arctic region of Russia. The expedition consists of a research and an educational programme. The Programme focuses on bachelor, master and PhD students. All expeditions are carried out on a research vessel. Deadline for application: 15 February 2016. Please send enqueries and applications to the organiser, the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. More information (PDF, 506 kB). Participants can apply for funding through the PROMOS scholarship programme.