English 🇬🇧

Welcome to our English subpage! Here, we summarize the content of our other subpages in English.

If you have questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail () or the contact form.

About us (Über uns)

Who we are

We are a voluntary team of students of Geoecology at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. The Fachgruppe is open for everyone who wants to commit himself/herself for the needs of Geoecology students. We are strongly connected with the official committees of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg like the Fachschaftsrat 3 (FSR, elected council of all students of the faculty) or the study commission for Geoecology. Furthermore, we are in a network with similar groups from other universities via the Verband für Geoökologie in Deutschland e.V. (VGÖD, association of Geoecology in Germany). Usually, we meet once in a month for planning new activities and talk about problems and
ideas. If you want to join, feel free to contact us.

What Geoecology is

Geoecology, also known as Earth System Science, is the interdisciplinary study of the spheres of planet Earth, their states, processes and interactions: atmosphere (air), lithosphere (rocks), hydrosphere (water), kryosphere (ice), pedosphere (soil), Biosphere (animals, funghi, plants) and anthroposphere (human/artificial).

Or, to say it with the German Association for Geoecology (VGÖD):
Geoecology is an interdisciplinary natural science that focuses on environmental problems. It aims to understand how the environment functions and works, particularly in order to identify and solve problems related to human use.

Usually, it is regarded as a sub-discipline of geosciences and/or environmental sciences.

Figure 1: The current status of the nine Planetary Boundaries (high-resolution variant), based on Richardson et al., Science Advances (2023). This visualization was published by PIK under the CC-BY license. Figure version 1.2 (2024).
Source: https://www.pik-potsdam.de/en/output/infodesk/planetary-boundaries/images

What we do

We aim to improve students’ studies. We lift our voice if study-related problems and troubles are encountered. We are a strong point of contact for students and teachers.
Besides, we provide information and advice about the student life cycle and modules like the mandatory internship. Moreover, our buddy programme supports freshmen.

● We promote exchange between students. Therefore, we plan activities like hiking tours or the Stammtisch (open meeting). Also, we organize trips to the annual
German Geoecology conference where one can meet Geoecology students from other universities.

● We want to enrich students’ lives. Hence, we plan several activities and collect events from other institutions (e.g. NABU, The Nature And Biodiversity Conservation
Union) too.

● We improve the visibility of Geoecology. Thus, we take part in open house days. Some of us are part of official committees. Also, we exchange experiences with students from other programmes and universities.

● We act for nature. Therefore, we cooperate with institutions like AG Umwelt (student project team for environment), but also include environmental issues in our own excursions or presentations.

Events (Veranstaltungen)

This page shows events planned by us as well as from allied institutions. You can also sign in to the following OPAL course (only for members of TU Bergakademie Freiberg!)
https://bildungsportal.sachsen.de/opal/auth/RepositoryEntry/32293781504/CourseNode/1717036133671992007?2 to stay up do date.
We try to be as up-to-date as possible.

Open meeting (Stammtisch)

A loved tradition is our Stammtisch. About every two months, all students of Geoecology in Freiberg are invited to meet, talk and exchange in a casual atmosphere.

Time and place of the next meeting:

Keine Veranstaltungen

Registration is NOT necessary.

Study-related content (Im Studium)

This page provides links and information to
● offered topics for theses (Qualifizierungsarbeiten).
● proposals for your mandatory internship (Praktikumsstellen)
● some useful programmes and data archives (Sammlung nützlicher Programme und Websites)
Please refer to the section Further links and tips below too!

Job offers (Stellenangebote)

If you are looking for a postgraduate job offer, this page could help. Here, we collect job
offers we get to know from several sources.

Further links and tips

Webpage of TU Bergakademie Freiberg: https://tu-freiberg.de/en
● International University Center TU Bergakademie Freiberg: https://tu-freiberg.de/en/iuz
● Bachelor in Earth System Science – Geoecology at TU Bergakademie Freiberg:
● Master in Geoecology at TU Bergakademie Freiberg:
● Stura (student council of TU Bergakademie Freiberg):
● FSR (elected council of all students of the faculty):
● Studentenwerk TU Bergakademie Freiberg (housing, canteen, non-universitery
advise,…): https://www.studentenwerk-freiberg.de/freiberg/en/
● Verband für Geoökologie in Deutschland e. V. (VGÖD, association of Geoecology in Germany):
https://www.vgoed.de (webpage only in German!)
● Webpage of Bundesland Saxony (general information, but also the way to specific data, e.g. geology maps – unfortunately, mainly in German):
● Microsoft 365 for students of TU Bergakademie Freiberg:
● Overview of your lectures at TU Bergakademie Freiberg (German only; easiest way:
click “Pläne nach Studiengang” [=timetable according to your programme] > choose your programme): https://evlvz.hrz.tu-freiberg.de/~vover/index.html

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and in particular for damages resulting from the use of these pages.