Exkursion Slowakei Mai 2020


17.05.2020 - 24.05.2020    


This 1-week field trip for geoecology students (both bachelor and master) aims at an interdisciplinary discussion of global challenges on a regional level – exemplified in the Slovak Republic. The field trip will show observation and monitoring methodologies (May 18, 20, 21, 23) on various levels from atmospheric and climate to ecosystems research, as well as cover topics such as nature protection and renaturation (May 18 to 23). Nearly pristine ecosystems and various stages of disturbance and deterioration shall be visited and discussed.
Stations: Day 01: travel. Day 02: Aerological and solar radiation center of Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute, Gánovce. Mineral springs and archaeopark. Day 03: Slovak Paradise National Park. All-day hiking. Day 04: Skalnate Pleso Observatory, hike to Velke Hincovo pleso. Day 05: TANAP: Long-term monitoring plots for forest ecosystem development. Day 06: Transfer to Zvolen (pure travel time 2.5 hrs on highway via Ružomberok) with several stops. Day 07: Zvolen city and Technical University, and Polana Biosphere Reserve. Day 08: return travel.
Minimum student participant number: 8, maximum: 16 (1 or 2 rental vans).
Total costs: not yet perfectly clear, but around 250 Euro per person.
Registrations: as of now and only with a down-payment of 30 Euro per person to our secretary, Katja Horota.

Mit Dank und Gruß
Jörg Matschullat

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