Application for a substitution of the Rigorosum

Points are awarded for participation in courses/lectures/modules within the structured doctoral studies and for other additional scientific achievements. If you have reached the required total of 15 (Faculty 3) or 30 credit points (Faculties 5 and 6 as well as Graduate Schools of the Collaborative Research Centers), you can apply with your faculty for the waver of the Rigorosum.

The calculation of the points for the performances provided are based on the specific regulations of the faculties (see structured doctoral studies).

Please be sure to note the special procedures of your faculty listed below for submitting applications and recognizing of certain achievements!


Doctoral candidates of the Faculty for Geosciences, Geoengineering and Mining

The application to replace the Rigorosum with comparable scientific achievements (as part of the structured doctoral studies) can be submitted at any time up to the submission of your doctoral thesis.

Please use this form to apply for the replacement of the Rigorosum. Fill in the header and the two left columns carefully.

In the case of publications and posters, all authors, the title of the publication/poster and the name of the journal or conference must be given. If you are not the first author, please also state your approximate percentage of contribution to the publication or poster. The LP to be awarded will be calculated proportionately.

Certificates/evidence of graded modules/lectures/courses must be submitted in the original, all other evidence submitted as a (scanned) copy.

Furthermore, written confirmation from your supervisor is required that he/she agrees with the application for a replacement of the Rigorosum in general and with the graded courses in particular. This confirmation can be made informally by letter or email or by using this form.

The application process is described in detail in this guideline.


Applications for the substitution of the Rigorosums are to be sent electronically to:

Dr. Corina Dunger

Prior consultation is recommended.

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Doctoral candidates of the Faculty of Materials Science and Technology

The Faculty Board decides on a case-by-case basis about the application for the substitution of the Rigorosum or the recognition of the achievements as part of the doctorate when opening the doctoral procedure.

Doctoral candidates are recommended to consult with their supervisor in an early phase of their doctoral project regarding the achievements that can be considered as a substitute for the Rigorosum.

For formal questions, you can contact the Education Officer, Mr Dr. Dirk Renker, and the Dekanatsrätin, Mrs Dr. Ulrike Mörters.

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Doctoral candidates of the Faculty of Business Administration

The Faculty Board decides on a case-by-case basis about an application for a replacement of the Rigorosum only at the end of the doctoral studies, when the doctoral procedure is opened.

You can obtain detailed information about Faculty 6 from the chairwoman of the doctoral committee, Prof. Karina Sopp (tel.: +49 3731 39-2734, e-mail: ).

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