Let's go to the IEC – Study with energy!

Discover our offers at the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC)

22. March 2018 – Christian Jan Heiner Wolterink

Girls’ Day on 26 April 2018!

Logo Girls' Day

Engineer 4.0 – Why leave the field to the men?

Are you interested in technology and looking for challenges for your future? Then your path is clear!

Where elsewhere calculations are solely done stubbornly out of the textbook, you have the view for the bigger picture, think outside the box and get creative in the development of new solutions. The engineering profession is no longer a pure male domain – and that’s a good thing.

On Girls’ Day, we want to introduce you to the versatile world of process engineering: Which research topics are currently up to date, which occupational fields are available, how does the course of study look like and what comes after that? In addition to theoretical content and discussions with our female engineers at the institute, you can also lend a hand and carry out exciting experiments. For the grand finale, we’ve prepared something special for you – that’s pretty cool!

Click here for the day’s detailed program (in German language), arranged especially for you!

  • Experiments on Girls' Day
    © Detlev MĂŒller

You are interested?

Then quickly sign up now until 19 April 2018 at https://www.girls-day.de (target page in German language) and join us at our institute!

Save the Date: 26 April 2018 (Please take notice of our information on the exemption from school on Girls’ Day.)

Click here for the Girls’ Day radar (target page in German language).

We are looking forward to seeing you!

22. March 2018 – Christian Jan Heiner Wolterink

An unforgettable visit to the power plant “Boxberg”

On 19 January 2018, we embarked on a field trip to the power plant “Boxberg” in the Upper Lusatia.

Many thanks to the organizers as well as the operator for making our visit such a great experience.

Outer view of the power plant "Boxberg"
Outer view of the power plant “Boxberg”

The primary aim of this field trip was getting to know the current main way of utilization for brown coal – its conversion into electricity – in practice in one of the most modern power plants.

The participating students hitherto only had theoretical knowledge of the physical, chemical and thermodynamic basics of energy conversion in a power plant. Now they were able to witness their practical application first hand, admire the impressive facilities live on site, and take the opportunity to ask all their questions.

Continue reading “An unforgettable visit to the power plant “Boxberg””

20. March 2018 – Christian Jan Heiner Wolterink

Week of technology within the pupils’ university 2018: Engineer 4.0 – Designing the future!

They are almost indispensable in everyday life – the innovative achievements of engineers in the most diverse areas of our lives. Working together closely with the industry, they research and develop innovative processes at the university and test new materials. In the week of technology you get plenty of insight into the research areas of our scientists, the challenges of the future, and work, among others, in a project to use rapeseed oil to make your own biodiesel for a car.

As part of the pupils’ university, you will join us for one week at the Technical University Mining Academy of Freiberg and experience student life at first hand. In addition to attending lectures and a guided tour around the university campus, you will receive many close insights into life at the Technical University Mining Academy of Freiberg. Both specially prepared lectures and test stalls, where you can try out yourselves, are awaiting you here. In addition, we will organize a field trip and prepare a special for you on the subject of electric mobility – that’s pretty cool!

This year’s week of technology will take place from 23 to 27 July 2018. Up to 15 participants from the 10th grade onwards can register for it. We also offer you accommodation as well as a great supporting program 😉

Sounds good to you?

Then quickly register at https://tu-freiberg.de/schueleruni/anmeldung (target page in German language)!

Further information and a few impressions from last year’s event can be found at https://tu-freiberg.de/fakult4/iec/evt/schuelerinfos/schueleruniversitaet (target page in German language).

We are looking forward to welcoming you soon!

01. March 2018 – Manuela Thiel

Further education project “Ore Mountains – new landscape, new opportunities” has started

In order to give Saxon and Czech pupils and students an understanding of the topics of energy and environment, the Research Institute for Brown Coal of Most, the University of Chemistry and Technology of Prague and the Technical University Mining Academy of Freiberg have joined forces and initiated the further education project “Ore Mountains – new landscape, new opportunities”.

Thanks to funding by the European Union until August 2020, the project partners now have the opportunity to offer various events for pupils and students.

Through self-conducted experiments and plant visits at the project days or the pupils’ university, valuable impressions of the everyday work of a process engineer and the challenges of the future can be gained. More information about the project can be found at https://www.erz2020.cz (target page in German or Czech language).

Logos der Projektpartner