About us

Energy transition, fossil-fuel phase-out, generation of renewable electricity – what does all this have to do with my region? To answer this question, the cross-border education project “Ore Mountains – new technologies for a sustainable future” has been initiated. It is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) until End of 2022.

In order to introduce the subjects of energy and environment to Saxon and Czech students, teachers as well as the interested public, the Technical University Mining Academy of Freiberg (TUBAF) has joined forces with the Research Institute of Brown Coal of Most (VÙHU) and the University of Chemistry and Technology of Prague (VƠCHT).

The following map displays the assisted Saxon and Czech areas:

Assisted areas in Saxony and the Czech Republic
Assisted areas in Saxony and the Czech Republic

Who are we here on site?

We are the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC) of the Technical University Mining Academy of Freiberg (TUBAF) and deal with chemical change as well as the conversion of energy of any form:

From petroleum to gasoline,

From hops, malt and water to beer,

From waste to electricity, …

This involves physical, chemical and biological processes. By means of experiments and computer models, we try to understand these processes and to pre-estimate them for industrial usage.

Take part in our activities for pupils and students and learn more about the varied fields of work of a process engineer and the future challenges:

and much more.

Find out more information about our continuing education project here (available in German or Czech language). Or visit the main page of our institute here.