Let's go to the IEC – Study with energy!

Discover our offers at the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC)

21. September 2019 – Katina Krell


The demonstration project takes the form of presentations that explain the current state of the art in the extraction, transportation and use of coal. As part of individual presentations, the transfer of the latest knowledge into operational practice is shown (transshipment points, DPD, landfills, forklifts, etc.), which aim to reduce dust emissions into the environment and generally protect the environment. Another part of the lectures includes a short theoretical analysis of the spread of dust and a detailed description of the individual variants to prevent the spread of dust into the environment (wet and dry methods), which have been used from the past to the present, as well as an assessment of the individual advantages and disadvantages of these measures.

On this topic the technical department of VÚHU “Technological Processes and Diagnostics” will then organize an excursion to an active mining in the region, in which the operator will demonstrate the use of dust-reducing measures. Guided tours to the handling stations and visits to rotating moisture distributors of the companies Vršanská uhelná and Severočeské doly – Bílina opencast mine – are organized. These excursions are also part of the weekly internships in the technical departments of VÚHU.

Further information: Ing. Renáta Zárubová, Ph.D. (+ 420 476 208 724) ()

A great opportunity for schoolchildren and students to get a taste of experience abroad.

We can also arrange an appointment for the lectures at your school. Take your chance!

20. September 2019 – Katina Krell

INTERNSHIPS for pupils in the laboratories of TU Prague

For 9th grade students we offer a one-week internship in the laboratories of the Institute for Gaseous and Solid Fuels, UCT-Prague. During the internship, the students get to know various analytical techniques that are used for fossil fuels and biofuels, theoretically and in some cases also in practice. In addition, they do tours of the laboratory facilities that are used for various methods of thermal recycling of fuels at the chair. With a micropyrolysis test, various bio-materials for the production of liquid fuels can be examined by the students.

A great opportunity to gain experience abroad and learn something about analysis technology.

Accommodation for students in the dormitories of the University of Chemistry and Technology are booked (http://www.vscht-suz.cz/ubytovani/o-studentskych-kolejich/).

Further information: Doz.Dr.-Ing. Karel Ciahotný (+420 220 444228) or email: