Let's go to the IEC – Study with energy!

Discover our offers at the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC)

21. May 2019 – Lukas Eichinger

Recap CampusTag

While having a very sunny day, the CampusTag on saturday was a big success. Right after the Rector’s greeting words, our colleague Stefan Thiel continued with his speech about “Engineering 4.0 – Challenges of the future”, in which he took a closer look on the difficulties and chances of tomorrow’s engineers… and of course how you get prepared for that with studies at our University.

Afterwards we held a lot of informations ready at our Information Point. On the one hand about the courses of study for future process engineers, and on the other hand about our international Project “Erz2020“. In combination with this Project we offer seminars, field trips, individual prepared project days and give possibilities for knowledge exchange between students and employees.

  • ©IEC_Drohnenbild vom Campus der TU Bergakademie Freiberg


The most popular highlight were again our Segways. Regardless of age, everyone had a lot of fun on our little parcours.

If you have missed out on the CampusTag, you can visit us at the “Reiche Zeche”, Fuchsmühlenweg 9 on June 22 in combination with the “Night of Science and Economy“. You’ll have again the chance to get some informations about our Institute and of course to try the Segways!