Let's go to the IEC – Study with energy!

Discover our offers at the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC)

29. July 2018 – Katina Krell

Future challenges: technologies for electricity storage

Here’s something interesting for in between….

How do we avoid current peaks in times of increasing energy supply from renewable energies?

The topic:

Load flexibility of electrochemical processes in industry

A challenge for industry and universities. At the IEC, process engineers and chemical engineers are also researching alternatives to material electricity storage.

One possibility of the TU Berlin: Click here for the link to BINE information service. Have fun while reading!

28. July 2018 – Manuela Thiel

Watch out! The IEC at a saxon secondary school…

Coming soon:

On 13th august the IEC premieres! Florian Keller, an employee of the IEC, an institution of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg, will hold the first big, individualized lecture in front of about 100 students to start a hopefully long series of lectures at Saxon or Czech schools.

Topic of the adress:

„Circular Carbon Economy – how can the chemical industry become sustainable?“ Continue reading “Watch out! The IEC at a saxon secondary school…”