16. July 2019 – Lukas Eichinger

Exploitation of energy resources

An apprenticeship as a mechatronic or electronics technician is a future-oriented career field. Installing a smart power grid, creating intelligent connections of existing energy systems or maintaining Hightech solutions for the combined generation of electricity and chemicals – nothing will work without the Know-how of a electrician.

The current trainees at the vocational training school “Julius Weisbach” in Freiberg had the chance to expand their knowledge regarding not only the current but also the possible future usage of energy resources with a lecture at the IEC on July 5, 2019. The main topics were about the present electricity supply situation and future challenges of the whole power supply management complemented by the question, which ways of energetic and material energetic resource usage will be possible in the near future. A topic of big importance for the would-be electricians regarding the fact, that this will mainly influence their future job perspectives.

©IEC lectures about new concepts how to use energy resources in the future


03. July 2019 – Katina Krell

Small carbon really big

It was an exciting insight into the world of technology for the 5th grade of the Dresden Vitzthum high school.

At the invitation of the junior research group STEEP Carbon Trans, which deals with the establishment and consequences of the carbon cycle economy at the IEC, 30 students from class 5b found themselves in one of our lecture halls. There the question “plastic waste – problem or resource?” was clarified. Discussions included what is known to children about plastic, where it comes from and what disadvantages our handling of this adaptable and valuable material has.

The students already demonstrated a lot of previous knowledge and shone with many answers and clever questions. During the lesson in the green salon of our institute, the carbon atom Carbi showed in a child-friendly way where plastic comes from, how important waste separation is and which alternatives to producing from petroleum exist to reduce the negative consequences, such as marine pollution and CO2 emissions, and maybe to prevent it completely one day.

After the interesting participation lesson, the little explorers were allowed to put on a helmet and explore our large plant. They learned, among other things, how much planning is required to set up such a plant and which professional groups are involved in a test drive. After a refreshment at a picnic in the sunshine, the prospective researchers went to the Terra Mineralia to immerse themselves in the magical world of rocks.

The Carbi videos can be called up at  Media / Download on the STEEP site in German and English.

02. July 2019 – Lukas Eichinger

Long Night at the Reiche Zeche

On Saturday, june 22, the 7th long night of science and economy took place in Freiberg. A lot of different local companies and especially the University prepared an interesting and diversified program for kids and adults.

One of the highlight spots of this event was the area at the Reiche Zeche. With nearly as many booths and experiments as located on the Campus being equally attractive for visitors, we have to point out: we had the bigger explosions thanks to the chemistry students and their neat Experiments that climaxed in an hourly lab show.

Besides that, we also had small but not less fascinating experiments like producing organic fuel or making ice from liquid nitrogen as well as Information Points about making and tasting craft beer and lots of fun while testing Segways, hoverboards and monowheels. Standing side by side with the IEC, the other institutes that are located on the area of the Reiche Zeche showed their scientific spectra with exciting Minerals or the possibility of making your own colored chalk, just to point out some of the numerous actions.

  • ©IEC


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