18. March 2022 – Katina Krell

Cross-national knowledge journey at IEC

Finally, we were able to receive visitors at IEC again – on March 16, we met two school classes for a transnational knowledge trip. In addition to the 14 students of the 11th grade of the Gymnasium Marienberg, we were also able to establish contact with the Educhem high school in Litvinov/Czech Republic through our Czech partners, so that we could also welcome 20 students and two teachers at our institute.

After the welcome by Prof. Gräbner, the groups were handed over to our scientific staff members. During a lecture on the topic of fuels as well as during the subsequent guided Carbon Discovery Trail tour, the students were able to gain an insight into our exciting research topics and the challenges of tomorrow’s mobility. Communication among each other was no problem thanks to an interpreter or in English.

Carbon Discovery Trail

Afterwards,plant tours gave some impressions of the technical implementation of the new technologies through our large-scale test facilities STF (syngas-to-fuel) and FlexiSlag (slag bath gasifier).

Guided tour through large-scale pilot plants
FlexiSlag pilot plant

At the farewell at the end of the event, the feedback from the students ranged from “I found it super exciting to see that such future-oriented technologies are being researched here in Saxony” to “The combination of overview lectures and plant tours was very illustrative and fun” to “I was surprised to see what is being done at TU Bergakademie Freiberg and can well imagine studying here”. We are pleased that our joint German-Czech event has been well received and hope to be able to take school classes on a journey through the world of energy process engineering again soon.

You would also like to get to know our institute and the technologies of the future? Then click here!

You can find more information about our German-Czech joint project on our blog ERZ 2022.


17. March 2022 – Katina Krell

New project launched!

What do energy transition and coal phase-out actually mean? Where does the electricity in our power sockets come from? Or what happens in a biogas plant?

In order to continue explaining these topics to you, we have launched the new project “Erzgebirge – new ideas for a sustainable future” together with our Czech partners and have put together various offers for you on the topic of energy.

Whether theory or practice, face-to-face or online – just click on ERZ 2022!

28. July 2020 – Katina Krell

Carbon Discovery Trail – now as online version!

The Carbon Discovery Trail is now available online as a digital trip!

Get to know the information boards about the universal element carbon simply from home and learn how to reduce CO2 emissions, produce “green” fuels and extract new products from waste.

Would you like to see the large-scale test facilities in which the new technologies are researched? Then visit us on the institute’s premises – daily from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

28. July 2020 – Katina Krell

Pupils’ university – new date!

The Pupils’ university, originally planned from 10th to 14th August 2020, unfortunately has to be canceled due to the current situation.

But don’t worry – we already have a new and customized date for you!

During the Saxon autumn holidays, in the period from October 19 to 30, 2020, we invite all prospective students from grade 10 to get to know our university, various courses and the city of Freiberg.

Let yourself be infected by the enthusiasm of our scientists and students for their specialist area in specially designed lectures, experiments, laboratory tours, excursions or competitions. In addition, you can of course explore the city of Freiberg as a place to study and live and make initial contacts with the university and its members.

Click here for the program and for registration.

We look forward to seeing you!