The last week was very eventful for our institute with two events!
On June 16, Dr. Roh Pin Lee was invited to the Earth Day of the Vitzhum Dresden. In the lecture “The plastic problem” the students got answers to important questions like “What becomes of our plastic waste?” and “How can we use plastic without destroying our environment?”.
Just one day later, on June 17, a group of students from the BSZ Freiberg visited us for the project day “Knowledge Journey Carbon”. Together with our scientific staff members Michaela Scheithauer and Dr. Peter Seifert, the students got an insight into our exciting research topics around the carbon cycle during a guided tour through our large-scale facilities.
You are also interested in a project day or similar activities? Then just contact us!
On June 18, the time has finally come again – Freiberg invites you to discover & experience the Night of Science and Business. Between 6 pm and midnight you can experience the world of science at numerous locations in Freiberg.
We from the IEC will be there again this year, informing about the latest research topics and offering numerous exciting opportunities to experiment and participate. You will find us at the Schlossplatz and at the Center for Efficient High Temperature Conversion (ZeHS).
What can you expect? – Here are some program highlights:
Short lecture “Carbon and sustainability – how do they fit together?”
At the Schlossplatz, we will give you an introduction to highly topical research topics of the IEC in the context of the energy and raw material turnaround at 7 pm.
Carbon cycles – from waste to raw material – green molecules for chemistry.
Do you know what is behind a carbon cycle? You are a part of it!
You want to experience electric mobility up close and simply try it out for yourself? An obstacle course invites you to test your skills.
All the fuss about particles
What is a fluidized bed? Can you manage to keep the fluidized bed stable on the test stand?
Ore Mountain Project
At our Ore Mountains booth we will inform about the cross-border project ERZ2022 with the planned educational offers on climate, environment, energy and sustainability.
Power through the energy quiz!
Where does our energy come from? Test your knowledge about energy and power generation.
Children’s experiments
Young visitors can estimate the energy content of fuels and foods, conjure up color in a bottle with the “Blue Bottle” and make a memory. Exclusively for the researchers of tomorrow!
Reicher Zecher: The campus beer of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Try a sip of the TUBAF campus beer Reicher Zecher! The silver ale brewed at the Reiche Zeche impresses with fruity hop aromas, where craft beer fans get their money’s worth.
Researchers at CAC and University have developed a market-ready technology for producing synthetic gasoline – without fossil fuels. Kevin Günther from Chemieanlagenbau Chemnitz GmbH (CAC) will inform 22:45 in a lecture around the topic of synthetic fuels.
…and many other exciting program items. All further information and the complete program for the Night of Science can be found here.
Are you ready to discover and try something new? Then we look forward to seeing you on June 18 – for the smartest night of the year!
In glorious sunshine, the Campus Day at TU Bergakademie Freiberg finally took place again in presence on May 14, 2022.
After the well-attended presentations of the study programs of the individual faculties, the visitors could inform themselves about the diverse study opportunities at our university at Neue Mensa and at the Technical Center for Machine and Process Development. At the booth of the Institute of Energy Process Engineering and Chemical Engineering (IEC), our “little sandbox”, which was used to illustrate fluidization and fluidized beds, generated a lot of interest. There was also a lot of information about the further education opportunities and events offered within the scope of the “Erzgebirgsprojekt” in cooperation with the Research Institute in Most and the University in Prague. Some employees and students of our institute were available to answer the questions of the interested students – no matter whether this was their first contact with the university and studies, or whether they are already planning to study engineering and had very specific questions about the course of studies.
For all those who missed the date, there is the possibility to experience the diverse offers of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg at the Night of Science and Business on June 18, 2022. We will be there again on Schlossplatz and look forward to seeing you!
Finally, we were able to receive visitors at IEC again – on March 16, we met two school classes for a transnational knowledge trip. In addition to the 14 students of the 11th grade of the Gymnasium Marienberg, we were also able to establish contact with the Educhem high school in Litvinov/Czech Republic through our Czech partners, so that we could also welcome 20 students and two teachers at our institute.
After the welcome by Prof. Gräbner, the groups were handed over to our scientific staff members. During a lecture on the topic of fuels as well as during the subsequent guided Carbon Discovery Trail tour, the students were able to gain an insight into our exciting research topics and the challenges of tomorrow’s mobility. Communication among each other was no problem thanks to an interpreter or in English.
Carbon Discovery Trail
Afterwards,plant tours gave some impressions of the technical implementation of the new technologies through our large-scale test facilities STF (syngas-to-fuel) and FlexiSlag (slag bath gasifier).
Guided tour through large-scale pilot plantsFlexiSlag pilot plant
At the farewell at the end of the event, the feedback from the students ranged from “I found it super exciting to see that such future-oriented technologies are being researched here in Saxony” to “The combination of overview lectures and plant tours was very illustrative and fun” to “I was surprised to see what is being done at TU Bergakademie Freiberg and can well imagine studying here”. We are pleased that our joint German-Czech event has been well received and hope to be able to take school classes on a journey through the world of energy process engineering again soon.
You would also like to get to know our institute and the technologies of the future? Then click here!
You can find more information about our German-Czech joint project on our blog ERZ 2022.
What do energy transition and coal phase-out actually mean? Where does the electricity in our power sockets come from? Or what happens in a biogas plant?
In order to continue explaining these topics to you, we have launched the new project “Erzgebirge – new ideas for a sustainable future” together with our Czech partners and have put together various offers for you on the topic of energy.
Whether theory or practice, face-to-face or online – just click on ERZ 2022!